Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I work out! XDD

#Yoga Lim  - secret guest

Not much of updates recently.
As my life can't run away from :wake up - exercise - cooking for lunch - wash clothes - cook for dinner - online/read books/watching tv - sleep.
I'm might look like I'm doesn't happy to have a break from school @.@
It's not I'm not enjoying my holiday, I do!
But this is not the life I would like be.
After hang out with an old friend of mine and chat for couple hours.
Our place of hang out r nvr changed : McD , muahaha :))
But seriously, for the sake of McD meal , I starved the whole day cuz the calorie is SCARY!

Well, I m just freak out about calories. I don't wanna waste the calorie I burnt after heavy and tiring work out.
Since the beginning of weight loss plan , I 'm doing cardio exercise most. For strength exercise , I choose to do later on after certain weight loss :)
So, for the last week till today , my regular work out schedule are :
Sunday : Jogging for 1 hour
Tues : Skipping + jogging 1hour
Thursday : Zumba for 1 hour
Weekend : H.I..I.T.

I 've tried H.I.I.T. but unfortunately, I can't make it. It's too stressful to me as I feel choked up when I'm doing it for 5 minute =..= kinda useless.
Then I modified my exercise schedule and found out it's more of my type as I like to dance, so currently I'm doing :

Monday : Aerobic (high impact) 20min + Jogging 10min + Zumba 30min
Wednesday : Zumba 1 hour
Friday : Aerobic 30min + Zumba 30 - 40 min

As long I 've completed 1 hour work out , I can sit down and have some rest @.@
I found I can't do more than 1 and half hour as I feel tired and bored.It's better to have a companion to exercise ;)

I read so many weight loss success stories , losing how many pounds la , eating what la , drinking what la~Bla bla bla. I can't do exercise everyday so I choose to do alternate day. At least let my muscles have some rest before continue burn more fatssssssss >//<

I need to reschedule my workout again next week since Im starting my clinical attachment , wish me all the best :))

 #Lunchie today -Home made sandwich :))

Sunday, July 21, 2013


#Beast - Shadow

Randomly searching new songs to brighten my mood nowadays @.@ , I'm VERY bored at home.
Well, If I started to get busy, I 'm complaining when is the off day, contradict myself, idiot =.=
K, intro a new song from a Kpop band : Beast - Shadow. Just my taste , wanna get some emotional into me ;p

Finally, I'm able to finish my assignment on time :)) Happy cuz one of my to-be-accomplished list is done! ^_^

This is first of my lifetime, I need to mail my assignment =..= UniSZA is the BEST university ever!

Anyway, tomorrow should be able to wake up earlier and go to post office to mail this >.<

Books to read and I'm syaing bored? I've must be crazy =.= Please save meeeeeeeeee *crawl*

19/7/2013 , it was my lil brother 's 18th birthday :) Happy birthday! ^_^ Thanks to God for ur existance to irritates me XD Well, all the best for your future undertaking :)

Saw the list?
I broke the rule today for the exemption , today is cheating day! XD
Gonna work harder tomorrow,fighto! Weight loss plan started one week ago and it went well ;)

Gathering with a cute couple , xinyi and edward , hope God continuously bless this couple and their child :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

She's so gone

8 days since I was at home :)
Home <3 Home.
Well, I did spent a quality time at home, besides accomplished my assignments for short period and completed my forensic medicine notes, started with my weight loss plan and I enjoyed couple books I bought with BB1M , it was like 2 month ago? ;)
That time, I used up almost RM200 BB1M to buy my stationaries and books.Most of them are motivational genre and mostly are in mandarin.Gonna polish my reading skills in mandarin cuz I didn't write or speak mandarin at home @.@ 
So, this is the book I was reading and still~~#tadaa !

It was saying, "Learn to love yourself - 32 notes to make you love yourself more"

The reason I bought this book, actually I was randomly choosing some books and found this one and its title attracts me , it says u gonna love urself more after reading this, sounds narcissist isn't it? T.T But it's actually motivates me to cherish myself and enjoy life --> being single.
It's nothing bad about single and I do envy if a couple being lovey dovey in front of me, BUT ,I can't simply fall in love with some random guy out there. And I have no intention to get into any serious relationship, YET.
I'll just be ready to be more better, more wonderful me, while the stupid prince charming who is still ost his direction come to me ,ugh, haha XD
What's so special about this book?
Well, I love this quote the most and keep me continue reading it till now :

For example, if you are student right now, fall in love with someone makes your result gets better, but if you just "crazy" about him/her , your result will be dropped from top to bottom.

Why this quote is so special?
Becuz I used to think that falling in love during studies is not my thingy and it makes me hard to concentrate.BUT this quote changes my opinion.It doesn't matter if you are a student or working, as long the love between you and him/her, makes you wanna putting effort for better future and built up your confidence, the girl/guy must be your Mr./Ms/ right !
If you've been dragged and so demotivated to do things and your life becomes miserable, you better choose leaving that person and lead a better, single life!
To choose a partner that makes you grow, in all ways, not to bring you down ;)

As the bible said , 
Proverbs 19:14 House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

So whoever haven't marry yet, should put it into your prayer list and God will show the way ;)
But, at the same time, keep improving yourself ,get on new workout or read different kind of books and learn some magic or skills. Work in God and He will shine your way :)

Lunchie today <3

After heavy-load exercise, I'mma cook something god for my lunch : Spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce! (Y)
Lucky my workout enough to cover this heavy calorie meal XD

I have more spiritual books to read during the holiday! Thanks aunty for posted these awesome great books to gimme some spiritual input during sem break <3

Get ready to change ? :)

#Naomi Scott : She's so gone

Sunday, July 14, 2013

To Do List

No matter how far you are
    nothing can break us apart right now
    Don't stop your love
    my heart will always be with you 'till the end

    No matter how much rain and pain,
    no matter how much wear and tear you may have
    We are in this together, forever, I will always be there
    Everything's gonna be alright, nothing's gonna bother us right now
    The answer lies in nowhere but inside of our own hearts

    I want to be there for you
    when you need me near by your side
    (I will) always be there for you
    Love will shine on you

Wasted 3 days at home, as I said , 3 days like years at home.
Workaholic XD
Besides reading, I should get to do something different!

Regular to do list of mine =.= Kinda bored.

Yesterday I've just got permission to drive again, wohoo <3 !
So I will be busy to catch up "how to drive" as it's quite sometime I didn't drive :(( Thanks Danial for encourage me to drive~
And finally got that spirit to start my WEIGHT LOSS plan. Today just done an hour jog with grandma's acoompany XDD (she's just walking around) and some sit ups. Felt great after exercise, and it does..a natural stress-relieving method :) 

It's Quaker's oatmeal and Anlene Chocolate flavour milk , my regular breakfast , after work out today :)

And great! I can resist food temptation when there's a bazaar market just IN FRONT of my house.Fine!!! I don't believe I can't do it, just watch and see, wakakaka!

My homescreen wall paper, fighto!

Simple and fabulous , nyum!
Just love home cook <3

I hope my diet plan would be a successful one, today is successful one, hope more great days coming! :))

#Miwa-Hikari E english version

Friday, July 12, 2013

By chance


Morning sunshine crawl into my room and it's 10! 
Grrrrr, I'm so late for my exercise schedule :(
So demotivated to exercise, gimme me some pills !!! @#$%^@

Oh my,Imma start to do this!!!
I'm always believe --> Diet control  80% + exercise 20% actually helps in cut kilos.
It doesn't mean exercising is not useful , but it did raise your basal metabolic rate and control the food intake is much direct cut down calories! So...I should stop binge on sweet stuffs ><
She can cut off 27kg in 6 month, I can do it too! *fighto*

Okay, it was like  years after 3 day staying at home.Yeah,Im kinda workaholic =.=
Doing my forensic medicine revision at home

*bad handwriting =..=*

And so I've started to do regualr routine : do laundry , cook , study and dramas.
I've completed 2 series of "Criminal minds" , just <3 Matthew Gray Gubler & Thomas Gibson and... haha! All the crew rocks! 

From the 6th or 7th series, there's an episode talked about a man who's attracted to females with certain physical traits which sexually appealing to him. He may not seeing it but there's a similar pattern in those woman he had killed. "Blond , white, tall & left eye is little sloppy" (Of course , that's the script in the drama). So I searched some info about it and found it yeah, definitely right!

Read more here : 

Have you even notice, for example , me personally , like tall guy , sharp but not too narrow jaw , baby face and smiley eyes. And when I look up the guys I've attracted to , all of them were the same type!  *shock*

#By chance - J.R.A.

Keep holding on

Happy sem break folks!
Time flies and it comes to an end for my semester 8.
That's the end of my year 4 , out of 5 medical student years.

I'm more emotional about this as I was thought the time passing slowly in my life and hate this feeling : to grow up.
It may sounds immature though, but unfortunately, I feel sad and something I couldn't apprehend easily.I dislike almost everything in the place where I've studied for 4 years now.But I'm kinda miss the place.

The time is ticking.Maybe my classmates doesn't feel what I feel. But that place, taught me many lessons.Tough ones.Especially in people.I'm still learning.But I will , one day, move on.
Maybe I'll laugh when I recalled those memories.

So,I've ended my forensic medicine posting as well as my year 4. And the first thing I need to do after exam was packing my stuff and ready to heading home.And yeah, now I'm home.Although the situation doesn't change but home is always the warmest place when your heart goes cold.

Soon (2 weeks later), I will be starting my clinical attachment in Hospital Sultan Ismail. I'm lil worried , excited and... nervous? Haha! It's my first time doing attachment in another hospital and I m doing alone ,so kinda freak out.But hey , it's not me alone :) There's people same as me , just to make sure I'll study well before it's too late @.@

2 weeks break for me isn't enough to ready those notes and many books need to read(as usual). As far i could do is revision on my forensic notes. Gosh, kinda workaholic isn't it? XD
Well, I can't just do nothing for whole day without touching books / notes =.=

I talk to myself
Sometimes you need some advice to yourself, to remind yourself 
not to drown with emotions and burdens.
I knew clinical attachment of mine doesn't go smoothly as I thought.
And recently , emotions get hurt easily.
Yeah,I' m sensitive. I hope I'm not.But that makes me unique.
I 'm positive with that :p

With assistant monitor 's job, need to work with bunches of so called "adult" which like to follow their own brain , exhausted.
Bothersome clinical attachment application , exhausted.
Emotions get hurt , exhausted.

But I tell myself : Keep holding on.
No one cares when you get hurt , when you got lost.
Only He can sees you.
So , pray and keep holding on :)